Finding it hard

to come up with the

right questions

for your doctor??

Use some of mine!

But wait, you should know...

The questions you ask should

- prepare you for the unknown,

- help you create a plan for birth and after,

- and improve your relationship with your provider.

Make sure you notice

HOW your provider answers!

Do they turn to face you?

Look you in the eyes?

Acknowledge any concerns,

or do they wave them off?

How do your answers make you feel?

It's important to be not just an passive participant during your appointments

(and birth), but the leader!

This means:

- setting boundaries,

- setting expectations

- and communicating your NEEDS.

As a labor and delivery nurse of 8 years, and a mom of two, these are some questions that are usually missed,

until too late.

Take the questions,

with no strings attached!

If you are interested in learning more about working with a labor nurse coach during your pregnancy, to prepare for birth

at a hospital and beyond,

let's chat in the DMs a bit more!

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