Your Childbirth Crash Course is here!

Totally Virtual

Get comfy and join your nurse

to get all the MUST KNOWS

before delivery!

September 18-20th

5:30 pacific LIVE!

Please heed this warning:

Most actions taken by

the healthcare team

in hospitals are not

discussed with the

expecting parents

effectively, or at all.

The best way to protect

yourself, is to

prepare yourself!

Join me online for a LIVE

3 day class, 1 hour/day!

  • Guaranteed to leave you empowered AND excited!

  • Lessons to open your mind to the reality of a JOYFUL birth

  • Get rid of the overwhelming feeling of starting a birth plan

  • Learn how to navigate the labor unit like a PRO!

  • Ask your questions live with a working labor nurse turned coach!

  • SPECIAL offers at the end of the retreat for more learning!

  • Invite your partner, family and friends to learn how to support you!

  • A $295 class for only $57!!!

Empower yourself with the support you deserve from

a nurse you can trust!

Topics to be covered in The Birth Link program!

  • Finding your inner mama bear bravery and turning it into calm, confident joy!

  • Breath work, birth plans and moving past pain!

  • Labor and push like a pro!



to ensure a confident, safe

and joyful birth!

You and your baby


Day 1.

Prepare your mind and body for a confident and calm birth experience

Day 2.

Laboring YOUR way in the hospital system made for THEM

Day 3.

Bringing mama and baby home, recovery for the whole family

My name is Colette Wagholikar,

and I've been working bedside

as a high risk L&D nurse

with laboring parents

for over 8 years, coaching, educating and advocating

with them to the

safe and happy moment

they meet their precious baby.

But the time I have in the room with them just isn't enough!

There are so many things

I know and see

behind the scenes

that I wish I could share, but sometimes can't!

Until NOW!

I'm also a mom of two

beautiful girls,

twenty years apart!

I have personally learned

the clear difference

of being prepared

and completely winging it.

Trauma in birth can be so

subtle that you don't realize

until your next birth!

Avoid trauma,

unnecessary pain

and interventions,

C-sections and toxic


I look forward to meeting you!!!


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